Finding herself entangled in a life of religious cults from a very young age; a life that was introduced to her by her parents, Ms Malebogo became committed to one cult in particular. This cult engulfed her life to the extent that everything about her life was centered around it. Like her parents, she also raised her family into the cult, trusting that it was what she was called for.

Unaware that being part of this cult would bring misery into her life, Ms Malebogo became an intact member, meeting all their requirements. Seeing her commitment, the leaders assigned her a role in the administration department. After a while, she was told that she had a calling – as a ‘prophetess’. Recalling how this had begun, she re-counts that there was a period in which she was experiencing constant burping coupled with an unusual yawning – this was a confirmation to the leaders that indeed she could see in the spirit realm thus was called aside and underwent a ritual that finalized her calling.

Elaborating on the extent of her supposed calling, Ms Malebogo says that she would ‘prophesy’ to people; telling them their conditions and ordering them to take certain concoctions as solution. However, many a time, this would only provide temporary solution. According to her, as time went by, she was then introduced to yet another cult. When she joined them, she was given one instruction – no one must ever know about them; it was a ‘secret’ cult. Unbeknownst to her, she was sinking deeper into darkness. She recounted that at this cult, meetings were held at midnight in hidden and desolate areas that no one was supposed to know about. The garments were sacred to them and were not to be seen by people. To her, this was near impossible as she was staying with her children even so, she continued frequenting the cult.

When she was now fully-submerged in darkness, everything around her turned into dust – nothing she would touch would prosper. Quarrels and misunderstanding ensued between her and her loved ones, she faced rejection from people and many accused her of witchcraft, something which hurt her deeply. Her life became a hell, burdensome and deprived her of peace. In the end she lost her marriage and was estranged from her children.

By the grace of God, she found her way to 3G Ministries. Upon her arrival, she received a prophecy – a word that revealed the root cause of her problems.

“You were once in a cult and there was time you made a covenant. This is the very thing that has bound your life. Because of the evil spirit you received from there, you normally dream of people chasing you with a sharp knife. Now there is a pain you normally feel in your heart when you are sleeping and at times you even struggle to breath”

After confirming the prophecy to be true, Ms Malebogo received prayer and was set free in Jesus’ name. Today she attests that ever since then, she is delivered – she has inner peace, does not have nightmares and the pain that was in her heart is gone. As if that was not enough, her children and family members who had neglected her have now reconciled with her to the glory of God.

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