To be enslaved by prolonged headaches otherwise known as migraines for many years is nothing but hellish- so much of a gloomy life. Unimaginable as it may sound, this was the life of Mpho Mpape whom by the way is a Chief Medical Officer by profession. The life she lived is one not to surmount to given her expertise in the medical field.

Ever since 1994, Mpape started experiencing chronic headaches whose roots would not be traced. The headaches would hit her hard every week and only painkillers availed a bit of relief for her. For the past 27 years, she was savaged by this throbbing pain that boggled her wits. It was only in September 2016 after working an overnight shift that she happened to pass a fuel station where she inhaled fumes that triggered the chronic headaches. Earlier on that day, she woke up and was met head-on by the chronic headache which pushed her to visit the medics who upon examining her, concluded that she suffered from migraines. She was given an injection to subside the pain and she was put on migraine treatment straightaway.

As a doctor who specializes in Family medicine, she was reluctant to take the strong medication because of its side effects. Nevertheless, in desperation, she ended up taking the medication in order to remedy the severity of the pain.

According to her, she would normally, take the medication when she felt the headache coming in order to reduce the severity of the pain and after a few attempts, relief would come and she would prematurely leave the tablets. This had weighed severely on her career because a Chief Medical Officer with a Master’s Degree in her discipline, she was subjected to performing many roles. However, she found herself getting many sick leaves which caused her even more failures at work. Most of the time, she would have someone fill for her at work as a result of waking up on the wrong side of bed due to the migraines. In February 2017 she was put on preventive medication which also failed brutally but all it did was to add on more ailments as she now started having heart palpitations. Her own sickness defeated her knowledge about illnesses and their medical solutions.

During one Sunday of breakthrough at 3G Ministries, Dr. Mpape came into God’s presence holding the box of her tablets. As she lifted the box by faith, she knew that in a little while she would behold her liberty. The very next Saturday following the Sunday of breakthrough, she woke up with a headache but as a woman of faith, she did not allow her situation to influence her confession instead she drank a cup of water which she had ministered with the Living Water. It has now been 4 months of freedom from migraines, nausea and heart palpitations. All the glory belongs to God.

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