Khumiso completed her secondary schooling in 2011 and when the results were released, she found out that she had not fared well. She then enrolled for a supplementary course in ICT but later discontinued due to a limitation in funding. This propelled her into a whole new career as a Waitress in one of Gaborone’s popular lounges.

As she continued in her designated role, she accompanied a family friend to a 3G Ministries Sunday Service. The lady in question had been unfairly dismissed and returned home from a very renowned airline overseas. The sermon preached that Sunday was titled “Don’t Worry” and that gave Khumiso a lot of hope. As the following week unfolded, her family friend was reinstated with immediate effect and that was enough to convince Khumiso to make 3G Ministries her place of worship. As she continued fellowshipping here, a time came when Prophet Cedric launched the PPS program. This initiative provoked Khumiso to remember her academic aspirations.

She got enrolled and with her waitressing salary, she managed to sponsor herself through three programs. She successfully completed a Certificate in Retail Management, Diploma in Business Management and an insurance certification. Upon completion, she joined the Temple Building project and her life now took a turn into Breakthrough Avenue. She first had a vision where the man of God was issuing academic materials for various professions. Her eyes were fixed on a set of surgical scrubs but as she was about to grab them, they took a new form; appearing very dirty. Prophet Cedric then directed her to receive a huge book accompanied by a calculator. This vision later re-occurred, this time around with Khumiso addressing a hall full of learned people that were surrounded by many calculators. These visions inspired her to enroll for a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Finance and Accounting of which, she commenced classes in July.

As time went by, Khumiso was deployed to a different company as a Purchasing and Administration Assistant. As she proved herself on the job and maintained her faith in God, she got appointed to another role where she is currently serving as a Personal Assistant. During this time, she desired to purchase a car for herself and her vision was set on a striking a higher and prestigious model. Right before she could make this purchase, she attended one service where Prophet Cedric gave a life-saving principle; “Cut your coat according to your size.” This echoed through the walls of Khumiso’s heart as it forced her to introspect. She knew that with a loan top up she could easily afford to purchase the new car she desired but instead she settled for a more affordable option. Today, she is the owner of a beautiful used car that is fully paid up and with no accrued debts, all for the Glory of Jesus Christ.

During one more 3G Ministries service, the Power of God uprooted an evil spirit that had caused Khumiso to act out of the ordinary. It begun with a dream where she saw a woman crowned as a man approaching her in a lustful manner. Since that day, she has battled with feelings for both women and men alike. She could not explain why she was all of a sudden enchanted by women’s rears nor her sudden inability to look at a man without undressing them in her mind. Today she stands before the congregation with joy as she confirms that her past is over; she has been set free for the glory of Christ Jesus!

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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