The evidence of Jesus Christ is indeed lives changed! The young lass Claudine Semele lends credence to this. 
In 2012 she completed her IGCSE with 36 points and hence secured herself a spot in one of the local Universities to study Bachelor of Education Science. Continuing with her studies, she eventually diverted her attention from her academics to dating and gallivanting on all platforms of social media. All this weighed heavily on her academics; she was no longer as committed and dedicated to her academics as she initially was. This went to the extent where she only attempted writing her assignments on the deadline date of submission and only read for her exams a day before taking the hot seat. The aftermath of this, was utter disappointment-she Failed and Discontinued.

This was not just a disappointment to her, but the rest of the family. They all had high hopes on her as she grew up a brilliant child. Down the timeline, she began to lose her self-confidence, dream and direction in life; eventually she became a victim of depression. It was in this pitiable state that her uncle invited her family to 3G Ministries. Upon arrival, there was a prayer line session which she was privileged to attend and receive prayer. Immediately, she felt a relief from the heavy load on her shoulders and now, her dream was energized.

An opportunity to get a scholarship to study in India was presented to her. For one to qualify, they should attain at least 46 points in their Senior level but having sufficient Faith that God would qualify her. She applied and was awarded with an Indian Council Scholarship to study Pharmacy. She began her studies in 2015 and along the way, she was also privileged to do a Diploma in Optometry.

Along the line, she had a plight where she started having a problem with her sight, her vision became blurry and the doctors suggested corrective surgery to solve the problem. She paid a visit to Botswana in 2018 and was privileged to receive prayer and was therefore blessed with the Living Water which she continuously used and received her healing.
She continued with her studies and by the end of her final year, she emerged victorious with Distinctions in both her Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy and Diploma in Optometry. To add a cherry on top, her final year research project was rated as one of the best and hence published in one of Science journals. From grass the Lord has taken her to grace.

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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