Growing up, Taboka Molefi was considered an average student; she used to fail and was labeled a slow learner, thus advised take remedial classes for improvement. This problem persisted even in high school but this time around it was fuelled by the environment she found herself in. A whole lot of worldly pleasures were set before her and she soon succumbed to the pressure to indulge in them. She resorted to social media, partying and dressing inappropriately. At the end of her high school years, she scooped 36 points, clearly not to the best of her abilities. Taboka landed placement at an institute of higher learning to pursue a degree in Chinese studies. Seeing her pitiable results Taboka changed her mentality towards her academics and studied like never before. Through dedication, she was able to attain grades she never thought of; she scooped B’s in most of her courses. This however caused her to become pompous, soon leading to her downfall. Believing that her intellect was sufficient she diverted her focus from her studies to worldly pleasures; Taboka started drinking alcohol and missing classes and examinations. It was not long that her marks began to drop.

Seeing Taboka’s situation, her sister introduced her to 3G Ministries where she was privileged to attend the Prophet Parent Student (PPS) Meetings and by the grace of God she benefited from the counsel of Prophet Cedric. Taboka put more effort towards her school work; she married her books and divorced the world. Executing God’s Word, she deleted her social media and fled from all bad habits. Consequently, she reaped good results and scooped a GPA of 4.80. She continued to excel to her very best and treasured God’s Word which became her driving force. Looking at her great academic achievements her Lecturers saw the potential in her and advised Taboka Molefi to apply for scholarships abroad. She did so and indeed by God’s Grace she applied and was accepted to a University in China. Moreover she won first prize certificates in some of her courses. Surely grace, mercy and favour located Taboka and have turned her scars into gleaming stars.

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

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