Malebogo Madibela helplessly suffered under the yoke of an undesirable ailment for six months! Day in and day out, the young lady mysteriously bled unceasingly. Her normal five day menstrual cycle had now become continuous, forcing her to use 3-4 sanitary pads a day! This caused her dizziness and dehydration. Eventually she lost appetite which led to weight loss and the color of her skin turned pale. Besides her health, Malebogo’s profession was also affected as she had to be excused from work time and again due to the gory ordeal. Having noted that her situation was slowly and surely spiraling out of control, she consulted the medics, where they diagnosed her with Polyps; a growth on her uterus which causes continuous bleeding. In attempt to stop the bleeding, a surgical operation was conducted in order to remove the growth. To her dismay, the bleeding persisted.

After coming to the end of herself, Malebogo took a heart’s decision to seek God’s intervention. She consequently attended the 2019/2020 Candlelight service and was privileged to be amongst those in the Prayerline. Just as the woman with the issue of blood, she met Jesus halfway and applied her faith to attain her healing. Making her plea, she cried out to the Man of and it was there that she was ushered in to the Light which has proved to be solution to her atypical condition. Immediately after receiving prayer, Malebogo went to the loo to check if the flow was still continuous – but nay! It had all stopped! She was left in awe after witnessing the manifestation of the Power of God in her life. In an instant, the six month heavy flow ended after just one touch inspired by the Light. Surely, this was evidence enough that the Light of God entered Malebogo’s health. Glory be to God – we relive the Biblical days!

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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