”You are a prisoner, you have negative thoughts to commit crime. This is due to a religion you used to follow in the past. There was also a dream you had in a bus, where were you going?” declared Prophet Cedric as he encountered Precious Ndlovu.

“My life started with a mystery; I was involved in a bus accident as a baby of only three days old. My mother narrated it as unusual; they searched for me for hours, only to find me trapped under the bus. She did not understand how I slipped from her hands and ended up in that horrid position – alive! Which is nothing short of a miracle,” narrates Precious as she confirms the prophecy. To her people, this was a sign that she was the chosen one – a calling to be the sangoma of the family. She states that ever since then, she was treated differently, wherever she fell sick instead of taking her to the hospital she was taken to the shrine. There, they would perform rituals in search of her healing as they believed that all that happened to her was spiritual. It became a daily routine that every morning her family would inquire of her dreams as though tracking her spiritual growth. The inevitable happened at the age of eleven years when her initiation commenced; living at the mountain with a traditional doctor. As she underwent the occult training she would not wear shoes, ate no meat and bathed in a dam in the early morning at 3am and all this she endured for one and half years. During her graduation; at the age of thirteen years she was given a spear which she used to kill bulls when performing rituals. This marked the beginning of her occultism and with that she proclaims that she possessed several powers for various purposes.

This kind of lifestyle was characterized by nightmares of the dead and snakes. A particular dream she highlights in confirmation, is one when she would see herself travelling in a bus, though it looked brand new on the outside, inside it was full of dead people and because of its recurring nature it troubled her greatly. Fed up with such a life, Ms Ndlovu states that she ran away from her home in Zimbabwe at the age of twenty-two years and found refuge in Botswana. This is where she was introduced to a cult where she was baptized in an attempt to set her free from occultism. However, her situation worsened, as she felt more of a prisoner at this cult. She mentions that at one time while at the cult she beheld that which was forbidden to be seen by women; it looked as though something been buried and the men of the cult were dancing around it. She states that ever since, it was as though another burden had been added to her life. With this, she decided to move to South Africa but her change in location did not necessarily mean an end to her problems rather they were heightened.

In furtherance, she takes us through her marital life which she sums as awful. The former spouse was into idol worship and this was unknown to her at the time. She recalls seeing him performing rituals; killing chickens and instructing her to cook the meat and feed their neighbors as a way of initiating them. With all these antecedents and more, it dawned on her that he was an agent of the darkness something she has been trying to separate herself from since childhood. Despite her divorce, life continued to be very hard for her – prison was an understatement as she could not fend for herself. Though a holder of many certificates she could not find a job and eventually resorted to dating married men and those with a questionable character like criminals as a way to sustain herself. The poverty was extreme that she had to send her children back to their father so as to raise them.

It was then that she met her friend, an avid follower of 3G Ministries in South Africa, who invited her to the presence of God. Indeed, she honored the invitation and made her way to the arena of Liberty where she encountered the mercies of God through His servant, Prophet Cedric. Today, she stands before the congregation sharing her life’s tale as revealed through the prophetic and as well, the fruits of her deliverance. She counts them as thus; the dreams that haunted her are no more, the countless pains she experienced in her body have been silenced and the poor vision that caused unease when reading are a thing of the past. “The veil that blinded and burdened me has been lifted, I feel light, I feel free,” says Precious Ndlovu joyful to the glory of God.

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From 6:00am

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