Moving in the midst of the people under the direction and counsel of the Holy Spirit, Prophet Cedric ministered prayer and encountered Mrs. Sphiwe. Unable to withstand the palpable power of God, an evil spirit manifested and confessed to being the one behind all the misfortunes that had befallen her family.

The evil spirit confessed that it was an ancient serpent that has destroyed her by taking her to wrong churches so that its agents may steal the Light she carried. It went on to state that it had caged the family and rendered them useless. The evil spirit went on to say that it wanted to make her an agent of darkness as a medium. It ranted on to say, that it has also rendered the husband useless and he is a slave because he can’t do anything, there is no affection and the children are finished.
To confirm the utterances of the unclean spirit in her life, Mrs.Sphiwe trekked down memory lane to give a clear account of her life. She mentions that it all started when Mrs. Sphiwe was around the age of twelve and she was tormented by a spiritual husband. The recurrent ordeal scarred her both physically and emotionally as she would wake up with scratches on her arms coupled with a development of rash in her private parts. At this stage in life, young Sphiwe had already began acting as a medium, as she continually saw what was yet to come. After hearing the cries of the young girl due to the frustrations brought forth by being abused by the spiritual husband, the family patronized a spiritualist. It was there that a series of rituals were conducted in an attempt to rid her of the bothersome evil spirit. One of the rituals included going to the river and getting submerged underwater for good amounts of time. After emerging from the waters she started assuming the responsibility of a spiritualist.

Unrolling her life further, Mrs. Sphiwe attests that indeed the ungodly spirit tossed them from one church to the other. This all stemmed off from laziness to travel the short distance to the Gospel of Grace Ministries and resorting to visiting various places of worship. Everywhere they attempted to fellowship they would be given the ‘royal treatment’ and ultimately inconsistent circumstances drove them away. Consequently, a rather bizarre phenomenon befell all the establishments they visited-they began to face stagnation and setback. Elaborating more on the hardships the family was subjected to in the hands of the unclean spirit, Mrs. Sphiwe states that for long she has been tormented by nightmares of eating, flying and swimming. The nightmares seemed to intensify whenever she visited these various places of worship.

Their financial life was evidently one of the casualties from the tyranny of the ancient demon. Although, both Mr. and Mrs. Mhukayesango are self-employed, they could never make ends meet as they struggled to feed the family and pay for children’s school fees which resulted in the kids being booted from school. No matter how hard the husband worked, he never seemed to bring in enough to sustain the family. When people looked at his past projects they would assume success which was contrary to reality – poverty. Potential clients took advantage of him and duped him of substantial amounts of money leaving him in debts. Sphiwe’s health and that of her family also fell victim to the evil spirit. She had excruciating pains in the lower abdomen and experiencing bleeding after meeting her husband. Using home remedies in an attempt to get rid of the pain she constantly experienced but all proved futile. The discomfort in the lower abdomen which ultimately led to a lack of affection in her marriage brought discord to the marital bed as she now deprived her husband of his conjugal rights.

High blood pressure and cancer are the illnesses that the ungodly spirit confessed to have used to afflict the family. Confirming this her extended family was afflicted by high blood pressure especially her mother and brother. All the 7 siblings had been stricken by piles which proved to be burdensome for the family. The children were also prisoners of the evil spirit as one child exhibited stubbornness and the other two struggled academically to such an extent that the school has recommended for them to be enrolled in a specialized school. Emanating from the prayer ministered by the servant of God Sphiwe stands before the church, expressing that now she is a new person as she feels light and calm unlike before. The habit of being easily angered is no more as the family braces itself for the best that is yet to come.

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