Tebogo Samson’s unfavourable situation began with a dream; eating food with broken glasses and this became a gateway to his countless calamities. An attestation that what he encountered was not just a mere dream, he started experiencing excruciating pains in his heart and stomach which led him to the hospital bed. There, he was discharged with no diagnosis as the doctors ran various tests that proved normality and a prescription of painkillers ensued. His situation worsened as eating proved problematic for he was forced to be constantly eating leading to bloating. His system had become weak to the extent that each time he contacted what is considered the least of sickness – flu, he would be hospitalized. With the constant visits to the hospital, the local medics were compelled to refer him cross the border to seek for specialized medical assistance. However the cause of his grievances could not be identified, as results indicated no abnormality in his system. The medical findings were not entirely his reality because the pains and discomfort continued and this had adversely affected his professional life as he had been absent from work since the inception of his misfortune – April 2019.

Unbeknownst to Tebogo, all he needed was the light of God to route him to his healing. He states that in one of the faithful services, Prophet Cedric prayed for him as he was moving in the midst of the church. “The touch came with an instruction that those who are sick, should go back to their doctors for checkup,” as he reiterated the words of the servant of God. It was after such instruction in righteousness, which he reverted to the doctor where after examination he was finally diagnosed with an infection in the liver, ulcers and multiple diverticula – pockets developed in his colon. Nonetheless, even with such a discovery the medics suggested surgery as a solution to treat the situation yet healing was not guaranteed. Tebogo started to experience bad odor which was attributed to the prolonged food substances that would deposit into the colon and the worst was the bloody excretion each time he visited the toilet. Unyielding to go under the knife, Tebogo turned to the Lord for solution and registered for the prayer line on a special service-Sunday of Rescue. In attendance, God met him at the point of his need as Prophet Cedric prayed for him and proclaimed healing. At the point of prayer he started pressing his stomach proving that the bloating that troubled him was alleviated.

Despite the all the predicaments, Tebogo stands before the congregation attesting to history made and victory accomplished. He confirms that the doctors have guaranteed his healing and no more discomfort. He can go for hours without being obliged to eat, moreover, he is back at work full time where he also participates in physical training with no pain. Indeed every unfavourable situation is an opportunity to make history.

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+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

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From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

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