“The 2nd of March 2020, a day that I will never forget! I woke up to warm water so that I can bath and prepare myself for work. The water had reached the boiling point,” Ms. Bontle attests. She narrates that as she was holding the kettle to pour water in the bucket she felt scorching heat sweep over her hands and immediately she let go of the kettle and the hot water spilled on her thighs. Her sisters rushed her to the nearest medical facility where it was confirmed to be a first degree burn as a result of boiling water.

The wounds were cleaned, treated and dressed for a period of ten days. This accident affected her because she was always in pain. She could not walk, bath by herself and even to eat was a problem for her. Sleep eluded her due to pain and doing house hold chores proved to be an impossible mission. The nurses advised her to use a walking aid and after the 10 days period of wound dressings she decided to seek help from the greatest Physician of all times, Jesus Christ himself. Upon coming to church she was amongst those who were arranged for prayerline. In her case, Jesus attended to her in a unique manner; the Prophet, under the influence of the Holy Spirit simply asked her, “Do you believe that Jesus will heal you? She answered, “Yes I believe!’ The Prophet declared, “Stand up and walk!” instantly she received her healing and walked. Glory be to God, Ms Bontle can now walk, bathe freely and everything else on her daily basis is done freely on her own. The walking aid has been discarded and she is totally healed in Jesus name!

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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