Once Deaf, Dumb And Paralysed But Now Revived After An Encounter With Christ!

For the past twelve years Ms Sylvia Sefanele had been reeling in the agonizing aftermath of a stroke that kept recurring over the years. The last blow in 2017 left her immobile and confined to a wheel chair. She could not walk, talk nor hear! Life became burdensome for the entire family because she was the breadwinner and was now reduced to requiring round the clock care. They started living on handouts from different people since she could no longer fend for her family. The medical fraternity had written her off completely by giving her a diagnosis that she will never regain her ability to walk, talk nor hear thus she was taken off medication as there was no sign of improvement in her health.

Her daughter who was by then a student was compelled to abandon her studies and become her mother’s care taker. Ms Sylvia lived each day to see her condition becoming severe. At a time when she had lost hope, a Good Samaritan blessed her with the Living Water which she continuously ministered and lo and behold! a miracle happened – her long lost voice was restored instantly. “When i heard my mother calling me from the house i could not believe it, it was like I was dreaming” added her daughter. Since then, a new hope was born in the Sefanele family and their faith was taken to another level. Since her voice was now restored Ms Sefanele took a bold step of faith and called the 3G Ministries prayer line where she was met head-on with words that changed her entire faith “We will pray with you, you are healed in Jesus’ name”. The very same night she had a dream in which she was welcomed by Prophet Cedric. The following morning Ms Sefanele found her self doing the deemed impossible; she stood up and walked. To further confirm her healing she took the laundry and washed it all. As if that was not enough Ms Sefanele cleaned the whole yard.

Ever since these encounters Ms Sylvia began to gradually experience her full recovery and today she is completely healed, she is now able to hear, talk and walk. She is no longer confined to a wheelchair all to the glory of God!

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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