Disobedience Disappointed Me But Obedience Uplifted Me Again

“I have always outdone myself academically and i managed to scoop grade A in my PSLE. I then proceeded to Junior School where I continued in the streak of excellence. In my second year of Junior School, I was introduced to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries. A year later, I had the privilege of enrolling in the PPS initiative. That is when I started listening to the messages of the man of God and acted in accordance to his counsel. Due to this, when the results came out my performance broke national records – I was the only student who obtained a Merit in the JC Examinations! That is when I witnessed the fruits of obedience to the Word that is inspired by the Holy Spirit.

When I proceeded to senior school, I could not come to church regularly and that was when my character took a turn for the worst .I now began to spend my time in social media and friends. As a result of this, my marks then started to deteriorate and I went to the extent of even getting grade U’s and E’s in my accounting, not only that but I was also limited to grade C in my mathematics. The Man of God then called a meeting sometime before our examinations and gave us a message titled “Sacrifice your present for the sake of your future”. He then told us that whoever obeys his words shall astonish themselves. I then took it upon myself to obey the instruction given in righteousness and I went on to sacrifice the time I was giving to my friends and the social media.

I felt the pain of sacrificing everything I found pleasure in and it was very difficult but eventually, I managed to delete my social media accounts right after remembering the words of the Man of God. Whenever I got into the examination room I would pray for God to be with me during the examination time. When the results were released I obtained 47 points. God being ever-so-faithful, He came to my mother’s aid and has helped us pay for my school fees through the Outreach initiative of the church. I realized one thing though, my initial rebellion has deterred my performance greatly and I am living proof of that. I thank God for opening my eyes and I hope my peers’ will also learn that obedience is the only way to succeed in this lifetime.” Sandrick said as he recalls the mercies of God in his life.

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+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

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From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

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