For Mr. Ponias Mandevu, life had become a story not worth the authors’ ink. He had found himself deep into quixotic engagements with a spiritual wife right from his junior schooling days and this coupled with his youthful exuberance eventually led him to an irresponsible lifestyle of lust, womanising and drunkenness. The spirit woman became too deep a thorn to uproot as it had Mr. Mandevu entangled in many relationships some of them being with older women, from whom he would solicit money.

In his misguided journey Mr. Mandevu met Mrs. Keneilwe Mandevu who also had her own baggage of problems; continual disappointments and anti-marriage being part of them. Whenever Mrs. Mandevu was in a relationship with the expectation of getting married, her partners would end up marrying other people and this had become a pill too bitter for her to swallow. Vagrant and unguided the duo made their way to The Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries in 2013 and upon listening to the messages of Prophet Cedric, they aligned the character and conduct with God’s word. Since then, they never ceased coming to the church.

“During the 2015/16 Crossover Candle- Light Service, Prophet Cedric declared that this is a year of which our dreams would be reborn. When I heard this, my dream to become a husband and a father was rekindled in my heart and I made an effort to tell the Prophet of my intentions to marry.” said Mr. Mandevu.

On the other hand, Mrs. Mandevu had this to say, “At the beginning of every year I would hope to get married but each time it would be in vain. However my hope was renewed this year because the Prophet declared that our dreams would be reborn. During the Crossover Service, when the man of God said that we should shout our names, in faith I called my name together with my husband’s surname, already confessing my change of names.”

Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit the Prophet revealed that if Mr. Mandevu was not delivered from the spiritual wife then he would have an unsuccessful marriage. He ministered prayer to him and he was delivered in Jesus’ name. The man of God then gave him assurance that the Lord would reveal when he was to get married. On the other end, Mrs. Mandevu also received a prophecy in April 2016 pointing to the spirit of anti-marriage that was operating in her family, and the Man of God declared that she should celebrate as she was just about to celebrate her marriage that would mark the end of ant- marriage spirit.

“During the Crossover the man of God declared that everything about God’s people would be the talk of the town and indeed this has materialised in our lives. We organised the wedding in just two months and this was indeed a shock to many who know that normally, wedding planning can be quite lengthy. Everything was superb and left many wondering how we managed to pull it off. We can only give glory to the Lord for His grace that has been sufficient for us,” said the joyful couple when sealing off their testimony.

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