I Reaped The Harvest Of Excellence After Sowing A Seed Of Obedience

Goitseone started off as an average student at her primary school level, she consistently obtained grade C’s as her overall best mark. She journeyed on with her academics and at standard 7 she managed to get a grade A which was an outstanding mark for her to achieve at that time.
In progression to junior school, she was caught up into the habit of watching television, as a result she failed to give any attention to her academics. Goitseone would much rather read her books at school than to even dare open them at home. This behavior caused her to totally avoid home work, she became too lazy to do any school related work at home and as a result she failed her examinations with C’s and D’s throughout most of her time at secondary school.

During the time when she was doing her form 3, Goitseone got invited to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries where she was encouraged by the testimonies of the P.P.S initiative students. Because of these, she was driven to pursue excellence in her life and so she decided to mold her character towards achieving the goal of excellence. By the grace of God, she managed to get a B grade in her form 3 examinations.

In 2016, man of God mentioned that the P.P.S initiative will be for every student including those at tertiary level. At this, Goitseone was encouraged to attend the P.P.S meetings. In one of the meetings, the man of God gave a message that states that “whatever we reap is what we sow,” so she took it upon herself to sow all seeds that led to her academic excellence, she began to put more effort in her studies and sacrificed her present for the sake of her future. Even though she faced a hard time in subjects like Design and Technology, English and Literature in English where she would attain grades F,D and C respectively, she forged on holding onto good character, at the end of the BGCSE, she managed to attain 46 points which she had never even come close to as she was consistently getting 37and 33 points only. As if that was not enough, subjects like Design and Technology she got a B, English B and Literature in English an A all to the glory of God.

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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