
The Ndlovu’s celebrated their customary marriage over 10 years ago and since then they had been failing to have their white wedding celebration. At the beginning of each year, the couple would plan for the celebration but everything would fall apart and they could not pin point the cause of their constant disappointments. Little did they know that an anti-marriage spirit had ravaged both their families like a plague. A white wedding celebration had become a dream too far-fetched for their people and the couple was also on the verge of facing the same fate.

When all hope seemed lost, in 2013 Mrs Ndlovu made her way to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries where the Spirit-filled messages of the man of God, Prophet Cedric encouraged her faith and renewed her hope. She never ceased coming to the church believing Christ Jesus to settle her matter. During the service dated 26th June 2015, Mrs Ndlovu was privileged to receive a Word of prophecy from the Prophet, pointing out to the spirit man that was the root cause of all her troubles and setting her free for the glory of God.

Confirming the prophetic message, Mrs Ndlovu narrated how the spiritual husband had tormented her life, constantly visiting her in the dream in form of both man and animal. After each escapade with the evil Mrs Ndlovu would experience an excruciating pain on her pelvic area. The spirit had also caused her lust and moreover wrecked every area of her life; her love life, career and finances were nothing to write home about. However after the encounter with the man of God change was inevitable in the Ndlovu’s lives; all things began to fall in place. Mrs Ndlovu no longer encountered the spiritual husband and all areas of her life were restored.

The preparations for their white wedding also began to run smoothly and after 10 long years, they were able to celebrate their white wedding on the 6th and 7th of August 2016. Moreover God blessed them with a piece of land that they applied for, only 5 years ago.

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