A Police Inspector by profession, Mr Brandy Maila was suddenly hit by a horrid condition that threatened his life; career, health and marital life. Each time he went to the restroom to ease himself, he came out weak. He would experience severe pains that hindered him from passing urine and in most instances he would take time to ease himself. Upon consulting the medics, several tests were ran but to his utter shock no diagnosis was drawn.

“The doctors checked for prostate cancer, bladder infection, and kidney diseases but everything came out negative. This left me confused because I was in so much pain”- Mr Maila expounded.

Upon this discovery, the medical doctors suggested surgery, which he rejected. The reason, financial constraints. As a result, for years he had to live with a debilitating condition that left him emotionally drained. He had developed a painful sore in his private parts and he would experience a burning sensation that forced him to scratch as a way of relieving himself from the itchiness. Consequently, his marital life suffered a lot due his health state; the couple could not meet as husband and wife and affection was non-existent.

Hopeless and embarrassed by his condition, he was at the end of his wit. Therefore, when his wife invited him to 3G Ministries, he agreed. During one of the Prayerline services, Mr Maila was privileged to be among the many who were arranged to receive prayer from the man of God, Prophet Cedric. He explained that as Prophet Cedric prayed for him, he felt an unexplained calmness radiating through his body and the burning sensation disappeared instantly. The following day as he went to ease himself, he felt no more pain and even the blood stains that usually accompanied his visit to the restroom disappeared.

Standing in the company of his wife, he testified that his healing has brought about total restoration of affection in their marriage and he has regained his confidence at work. He also attest that his coming to church was not in vain as the family received great and remarkable breakthrough thereafter. He received a pending payment that his employer owed him. With the money that he received he bought himself a luxurious car, a Mercedes Benz, E class Model. He was also allocated three plots; residential, commercial and ploughing field that came alongside with water accessibility rights. Giving glory to God for his healing and breakthrough, Mr Maila urged the congregants to believe in Jesus Christ as He is the ultimate Healer and that with Him, nothing is impossible.

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