Indeed the Lord had destined to have an appointment with the Malesela’s as God located both husband and wife to unburden them from all the plights that had befallen their lives. Mr Malesela was a sight to behold when he cried out to the man of God during the service. Clad in an intricate lumber corset and visibly in pain, he laid out his predicament. It all began when he had been forced to lift a car following a breakdown. A few months following that, he began to experience a searing and unrelenting pain on the left shoulder. He could not even lift the arm but rather resorted to using the unaffected one to aid him. Consequently, a surgery was performed in an attempt to correct what was termed as a partial tear of the ligament. In addition to this, an affliction of arthritis had affected his back resulting in unbearable pain. Pain killers and the lumber corset which seemed to intensify the pain were all that the medics prescribed as a solution. It seemed as though there was no light at the end of the tunnel for Mr Malesela as another predicament ensued after the surgery. He developed piles that worsened every time he frequented the bathroom. However, he did not consult the medical fraternity concerning the challenge. Sitting and standing proved problematic for Mr Malesela as his conditions persisted. Sleep became a rare gem in the family as the hard-hitting pains kept them awake at night. Following prayer, he is healed and free from all the pains that riddled his body all to the glory of God. The lumber corset he has been using has been discarded and he has no use for it anymore.

Arranged in the emergency section Mrs Malesela pleaded to the man of God. She listed an arm long list of illnesses that had enslaved her and those included high blood pressure, goitre, liver infection, thyroid and infertility. In addition to these, she could not stomach spicy food since it led to severe heartburn and she constantly had diarrhea thus resorted to carrying pills in her purse to use in case the diarrhea escalated. When the man of God ministered prayer, an evil spirit manifested and confessed that it was the spirit of a dog that wanted to destroy her and made her a workshop of sickness. It went on to say that it wanted to make her a prostitute of which she refused to entertain.
Elaborating on the confessions of the evil spirit in her life, Mrs Malesela states that she has been married for nine years and has not had the experience of childbirth. She has had two ectopic pregnancies that led to her tubes being cut. She explains that sickness had become the norm to the extent that she was hospitalized in January. A spiritual husband that seemed to torment her right before her menstrual period adds to the list of hurdles she had to overcome.

Their marital bed had fallen victim of the grip of satan for Mr Malesela could not execute his conjugal obligations effectively. This led to the wife having wayward thoughts of cheating on her husband but she remained adamant not to succumb to the urge. Their finances also took a nosedive even though one of them is formally employed. The situation worsened to the extent that to feed the household proved impossible and begging was their last resolve. Attempts to open a small business and further her studies always proved futile as one obstacle after the other cropped up. Mrs Malesela attests that after prayer she felt very light and she is healed and has been delivered from the clutches of satan. With that, she believes that better is not good enough, the best is yet to come for her family all for the glory of God.

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+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

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From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

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