1998 was a tough year – one that left a mark and gave rise to a can of worms in Ms Maureen’s health, who by the way, is a qualified nurse by profession. It all started with an anonymous formation in her right lung that had been detected through an X-ray. The doctors could not get a fix on what the lesion was and its probable repercussions. However, in 2002 she began to experience the brunt of the ‘anonymous formation.’ A series of breathing problems began to ensue and in no time she was given asthmatic sprays to use whenever she fell short of breath.

For nineteen years, Maureen writhed under the heat of her sickness but according to medical philosophy, there would be no solution whatsoever. She had to succumb to the ‘illusionary’ fact that she would never break loose from the chronic asthma. In search of a sharpened opinion of what the problem may be, Nurse Maureen had to travel ashore, but still, diagnosis was far beyond reach. There was nothing that could be done hence she was told; “Your oxygen levels are below sixty percent and that is very dangerous. We cannot diagnose what the cause may be nor can we find the link between the formation and your condition. Just continue using the sprays we have given you. We’ll keep on trying.”

In 2016, when many anticipated the breaking of a new year, she was stuck on a sick bed. In recent reviews of the outgoing year, she had been told that her right lung had decayed and that the formation had moved to the left lung. Practically, she was depending on a quarter of her lung for breathing. It was a no- win case and a dead end loomed ahead. Assigned to a large oxygen tank and a respiratory machine, Maureen was reduced to an incomplete and debilitating woman. She could not execute her duties as a nurse and a mother. As a talented singer, she was torn away from her passion. She was unable to walk, speak nor breathe hence she resigned to a pitiable state and eighteen hours of supported breathing from her machines.

At the peak of her sickness, many lost faith and accepted her fate. There was no hope for healing except incessant prayers to Jesus Christ. When she came to the knowledge of the One on One prayer line to be hosted by Prophet Cedric last Monday, she ran after hope. Upon being prayed for by the man of God, change took place. The woman who came in with a gas tank was instantly revivified. It was a miracle. Maureen began to walk, talk and breathe properly without depending on the machines.

Testifying in company of her brother and brother’s wife, she could not hide her joy. She had this to say, “Before being prayed for, I couldn’t breathe for eighteen hours but now that I have received the touch of God through Prophet Cedric, I have been breathing for more than 120 hours without the help of the machines. I can now walk long distances. Even my oxygen capacity has moved from 60 percent to 85 percent.”

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