In October 2015, the company Kaone Gakena was working for had to undergo a period of transition and restructuring and because of this, the management had announced that some employees would have to be retrenched. She was shocked, left agitated and disturbed by this, fathoming the thin line that stood between her and unemployment. Kaone knew very well that it would mean poverty for her family if she were to be retrenched.

In her state of fear and frustration, she had a dream where the man of God came towards her and gave her a word of prophecy. ‘The man of God told me that he sees a promotion. Immediately I objected and told him that it cannot be possible because of the threats of retrenchment at my workplace. The man of God did not go by what I told him, being in a time ahead of time, he told me not to worry,’’- Ms. Kaone Gakena recounted on her dream.

She took God’s word to heart and in no time, the dream was relayed to real life. On a Sunday service, the man of God approached her and gave her a word of prophecy similar to the one in the dream, ‘Are you working? I see a promotion. They will take you abroad to further your studies and you will do a course that is in line with your profession,” said Prophet Cedric.

Narrating her story to the congregation, Kaone highlighted that before receiving the prophecy; she had attended an interview for the post of Reward Specialist, within the same company. In faith she ministered the Living Water and carried the Living Sticker, believing that God will see her through. Lo and behold! The threat to lose her job was now turned into an opportunity for a total transformation in her career. The prophecy came to pass in her life because now she has been promoted from HR Practitioner to Rewards Specialists. There has been an increase in her basic salary and additional incentives that come with the offer. Moreover the company has resolved to assist her in furthering her studies; Kaone has been admitted to a University in South Africa where she will receive training that will help her undertake her new role.

1 Comment

  • Tebby Leepile
    Posted March 26, 2017 5:38 pm 0Likes

    I have been praying for a long long long long time, asking God why He was only raising prophets in other countries, not Botswana. I have been a Christian for a long time, and I got tired of theoretical Christianity. I yearned for the power of God, that moved in the early church.In a nutshell I was looking for practical Christianity. If the bible promises that in this hour He shall pour His spirit…what do we have as the body of Christ to show. Please note that I am not obsessed with the signs and wonders but yes I am obsessed with the word of God. And I am blessed to say Prophet Cedric has been raised for such an hour as this,his understanding of the word of God blesses my heart.
    May you be blessed in your ministry,and to the congregation, May you seek the Giver not the Gifts, the Blesser not Blessings.
    Blessings Tebby in Canada

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