The beginning of 2018 birthed an array of afflictions for Mrs. Keeletsang. She was subjected to excruciating pains radiating from underneath her feet and to most of the joints in her body. According to her, no day passed without her being under such a torment.

Already expecting a baby at that time, she naturally associated the pains to her pregnancy. Five days post-partum, the prickly pains she felt underneath her feet persisted and she sought medical attention and it was there that she was diagnosed with Gout. Having been treated for half a year from the given diagnosis, the plight still stood its stance. She re-visited the doctors where she was re-diagnosed to have flat feet; a rare and unusual condition which according to the doctors caused her Arthritis. With the intent to remedy the problem at hand, she was given foot arcs to correct her defect. Moreover, some of her shoes had to be customized for her defect and the latter pairs had to be supported with the said Foot Arcs. All day long, she had to be always be on the foot arc and not doing so would leave her subject to intense pains.

From thereon she lived on painkillers; not a single day passed without her taking painkillers. She was also arranged for physiotherapy to try and alleviate the pain but all were just temporary solutions. These weighed heavily on her as she could no longer perform her daily household chores as per her motherly and wifely duties. She could not stand for a very long time hence she was limited in most of her pursuits.

Since she had been part of the ministry since 2011, when the call was made for the Prayerline she made way to the Crossover 2019/2020 Candlelight service were she was arranged for prayer. She presented her case the Physician of all times-Jesus Christ, immediately when she was prayed for she felt a cold breeze move right from her waist down to her feet, and that marked the end of her affliction. Ever since the crossover she never used the foot arcs, she can stand for long and can perform all household chores.

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

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