Khutsafalo Grace Chakalisa from Mosetse witnessed the power of God through the medium of the Living Sticker. As the man of God moved in the midst of the congregation issuing out the Living Sticker he located Ms. Chakalisa who had fractured her fore-arm. She narrated her case to the man of God, “I was attacked by a rooster and I fell and broke my fore-arm”– said the lady who was in total agony. Immediately she received the Living Sticker, the true, authentic and forceful power of God began to work in her body. She felt heat on her arm and fell to the ground under the influence of the Holy Spirit. An evil spirit manifested in her and confessed that it was a spiritual husband that had caused her to fracture her arm and was intending to kill her.

In order to reveal the power of God vested in the Living Sticker the evil spirit was commanded out of her. The evil spirit immediately surrendered to the power of God and this marked the end of the pain and agony that Ms. Chakalisa had been facing; she could lift and stretch her hand. As per the instruction of the man of God she visited her doctor to confirm her healing. When narrating her story, she said that it all began one day when a rooster sprang out of nowhere and attacked her, she tried to flee but fell down and was immediately rushed to the hospital where the doctors confirmed that her forearm was fractured.

She moved from one hospital to the other in search of solution and finally went to one of the prestigious hospitals where they said that the only solution was operation. She underwent what the doctors call an Orif operation; they operated her and installed a metal plate and screws to align the bones. She had to go to the hospital every day to dress the wound as it kept bleeding and showed no sign of healing. Four days after the operation one of her sisters invited her to the church as she had realized that her case needed divine intervention. Ms. Chakalisa was privileged to receive the New Living Sticker and upon laying her hand on it she was healed instantly.  Going for her check-up, the doctors were very astonished as to how a person with her condition could be healed miraculously. They confirmed that her bones are aligned and there is no need for dressing as the wound is now dry!

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