“I am sorry madam, the scan does not show anything hence there is nothing that we can do”. These words echoed through Ms Grace Court’s ear as she couldn’t believe it, it was as if the whole world was crumbling on her. Many thoughts invaded her mind, “What is next? What is going to happen to my children?”

For years Grace has been battling with profuse bleeding which started soon after confinement in 2013. Her recurrent visits to the hospital and seeing different specialists did not bring any remedy to her sight. The doctors plainly told her that there is nothing that they can do for her as the scan of her uterus did not show any anomaly with her. Having run out of ideas as to what could be the cause of her bleeding, doctor’s resorted to hormonal pills as a temporary solution to help the ailing Ms Court. “Take those pills religiously; any lapse in taking the drugs would result in bleeding again” warned the doctor sternly.

Distraught and enraged she went back home and did as the doctors has directed her. Contrary to what the doctors said the pills did not stop the bleeding. Life toughened and became intolerable for her because every time she bled it would be accompanied by severe pains, excessive heat in her uterus and it was as if there was some lump in her uterus. She couldn’t visit friends and family because every time she would mess herself and she nearly become the laughing stock at her work place as her colleagues always wondered why she always bled. “This made me very uncomfortable because people were beginning to think evil of me, thinking that I have done an abortion.” At this point Ms Court turned to spiritualist to seek help but her condition became worse than before. She did not only spend a lot of money but also realized that the bleeding was worse than before. One spiritualist even told her bluntly that she was left with 3 days before she died.
Ms Court’s condition was indeed unspeakable and unbearable. Jesus met her at a point when she was about to give up; in 2016 she was invited to 3G Ministries by a friend and according to her, the moment she sat her foot in the church everything about her changed. She became life again, she began to be hopeful. Though she was not healed immediately she explained that she had assurance that she was in the right place, that her healing was as sure as the rising of the sun.

During the crossover candle light service with the man of God, Ms Court was one of those who were in the prayer line. When the man of God came towards her direction, she shouted at the top of her voice, “man of God please help me, I have been bleeding non-stop for 4 years!” Led by the Holy Spirit, the servant of God prayed for Ms Court and declared her healed.

“The moment the man of God prayed for me I felt fresh air entering me as if I am being cleaned, from there the heat that was in my stomach just dissolved” attested Ms Court.

Three days later, she felt that there was something in her uterus that’s needed to be pushed out. While in the middle of confusion she heard the man of God saying, “Don’t worry, you have to push it and take it out.” Immediately she rushed to the toilet and delivered what she described as massive clots of blood. Although clots were coming out, there was no pain or heat in her stomach.
In conclusion Ms Court said, “since then I am healed, I have never bled, I am now able to exercise something that I wouldn’t dare do because of the pain. I can now do any household chores all to the glory of God.” this is the evidence that Jesus Christ is still the same yesterday, today and forevermore!

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