In their younger years of marriage, Mrs Betty Thapalalo lost her husband. Speaking on the aftermath of his death, she began to vividly recount the events that caused her pain. Her husband, a mine worker by virtue had accumulated a lot of wealth but truth be said, the duo had worked hard to bring together a wonderful family and the means to support it. At the expanse of their means, their children had advanced to a level of studying abroad and they had built several houses. However, after her husband’s death there was no talk of all these. Her in-laws took all that belonged to her and the children, claiming it to be theirs and never gave her a single dime. Heart broken by her husband’s death, she had to contend with the pain of having to lose her supposed material gain from the marriage.

“By then, my children were studying in Zimbabwe but after the loss of their father, they had to return back home due to lack of money. Thinking that they would feel for my kids, I approached my elders but they refused to offer any help. I remained with nothing; nowhere to sleep because our house had been repossessed at a very low price.” This issue had really affected her because she began to have sharp pains in her heart that radiated throughout her left side hence causing numbness.

Since earth has no sorrow that Heaven does not know about, Mrs Thapalalo was led to 3G Ministries where she waited for both physical and internal healing. Along the line, she received a word of prophecy from Prophet Cedric. “You heart is affected by deep sorrow. There is a pain in your heart and it is not far from the issue of marriage. You have high blood pressure and sometimes your hand is heavy. There was injustice to this widow.” After the root cause had been dealt with, the man of God went on to pray for her in the name of Jesus Christ. Ever since her deliverance, her life has taken a dramatic turn. The pains in her heart are no longer there and she has been healed from the pain of the past.

Wrapping up her deliverance and healing, the man of God adopted the beloved widow into the 3G Ministries Outreach Program. As an act of love, she was then given food groceries and a cash gift to finance her daily needs all to the glory of God.

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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