Excellence was the glorious song that was forever sung by Derrick Mogogi; he started off as a bright young lad brimming with potential as he would consistently scoop A’s for all his subjects. Consequently he got A’s for both his PSLE and JCE. However the higher he went, it all took a down turn; from the A’s he was accustomed to he dropped all the way to C’s, D’s and even E’s. Bad friends, back-benching and bickering during lessons was the new habit that he developed and it did prove to work against him. Slowly but surely his academics went down the drain, he would score points ranging between 28 to 31 points- far below the qualification points that he needed to further his studies in any desired tertiary institution.

With this ill reality at hand, Derrick would often be down cast, he would try to build up the fortitude to improve but was weighed down by the incessant procrastination and laziness that he developed with time. He therefore continued with the failure streak he plunged himself into. Fortunately, in 2016 he was amongst the privileged students who joined the PPS initiative with the man of God, Prophet Cedric at this, the breaking of a new dawn came at last. “Whatever you do is a seed, Up your spirit, Develop interest in your studies “just to mention a few among the many of the Heavenly- inspired messages of the man of God moved the faith of the scholar and propelled him to drop the all his bad habits.

From chit-chatting with students, he moved to pestering his teachers with questions in line with subjects he found to be a bit challenging. He worked extra hard and became devoted to his academics. Moreover he began to minister the Living Water with faith that he would move from grass to grace during his BGCSE. His obedience, hard work and a quiet confidence in God surely gave birth to radical transformation in his academics. From the 28 points he used to get Derrick has now scooped 45 points composing of 2 A*’s, 1 A, 3 B’s and 2 C’s; a result that had been beyond his wildest dreams!

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