“I felt as if fire had entered my ankle and immediately the pain I had was gone” she said.

On the 12th of March 2017, Esther Windy Sello walked impressively with no anticipation of what would occur; inexplicably she lost her balance as she was walking and twisted her ankle. She took it lightly, shrugged it off and proceeded with the rest of her day. Prickles sprung as a reminder of the injury she sustained and accompanied by excruciating pains her foot started swelling up. She sought medical solution to remedy her situation and the medics’ concluded that she had torn ligaments. An x-ray was done and surgeon’s confirmed that there is an abnormal cartilage growth in her leg and the injury she sustained tore the soft tissue in her ankle. A pair of crutches and an ankle splint was her take-home package, the crutches were to aid her walking and reduce the weight on her lower part of the body. The swelling intensified so much that she was unable to walk without the crutches nor the ankle splint. Gone were the days of walking on heels, sneakers were her portion. During the Sunday service of March 26th as the servant of God Prophet Cedric moved amidst congregants administering prayer she found herself in favor of God’s attention; she was prayed for and instantly she stood up, threw away the crutches, took off the ankle splint support, first, second and third hurried steps ensued confirming her healing. Esther could not contain her excitement and joyously ran in between the aisles glorifying God for her healing.

While sharing her testimony she stood majestically on heels before the congregation to confirm her healing, the crutches she was told that she had to use for two weeks she needs no more. The healing that she was supposed to receive in a minimum of two weeks she received in just a split second. She no longer uses crutches or the ankle support splint, Esther is wholly healed all to the glory of God!

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