An irritable, undesirable and gloomy state was what young Kgosi Serameng had to endure during the festivities. In what seemed a perfect day for an outing- a hot, sunny and bright day, Mrs Serameng decided to take young Kgosi along with his cousins to a park. However, her attention was drawn to Kgosi’s condition, whenever the boy set out of the pool, his eyes would be red, itchy and inflated. It was two days later that she noted his condition had surely worsened, for now his face was swollen with teary eyes. Having noted the calamity at hand, Mrs Serameng took the boy to the medics where he was given medication with an instruction to return after seven days for further examination. Not far from then, his condition worsened the more forcing the distressed duo to return to the doctors within two days. Numerous tests were performed on the boy of which one of confirmed that he was allergic to grass. For that reason, he was given medication to stabilize his condition. As a student, going to school on its own was but a nightmare for the lad. If not itchy eyes, then his face would be swollen and this would force his mother to make sure that he was by the school gate a few minutes before school is dismissed to avoid letting him to play on grass.

By the divine will of God, Kgosi came to the church and was part of the Emergency Section. Having made way to the Arena of Grace with irritated eyes, Mrs Serameng believed God for her son’s healing and he received prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. After presenting their peculiar case before God, they were given an instruction in righteousness to sit by the lawn. To God be glory, Kgosi did not react to the grass! Not only on that day, but days later. Young Kgosi was later taken to a Recreation park where he did not react to his surroundings! Thank You Jesus Christ, the Work of Healing has taken place!

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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