One September morning, Otsile woke up with numbness on his muscles but given that he had gone for Sunday soccer the previous day, he dismissed it as mere physical strain. However, when he started losing strength in his joints and hands, he suspected that something was wrong thus he sought medical attention. After probing and testing, the doctors gave him their observations – his body was normal. Despite X-Ray tests and CAT scans, there was no condition that was coming up. This came as a surprise given the fact that he was losing his mobility with each passing day. However, one condition came as a suspect – paralysis, a condition which threatened to arrest his entire system and render him useless. Without a diagnosis, the doctors prescribed painkillers, despite the fact that there was no pain.

As time went by, his condition intensified; he could not walk and he continued to consult the medical doctors. Since they could not diagnose his condition, he was referred to a neurologist in order to check the rest of his system. All the while, his situation worsened; he couldn’t walk without support and had to rely on his relatives to take him from one place to the other. The situation heightened to the point where he had to use a bucket as his toilet. Inevitably, this put an end to his schooling, part-time job as well as his cherished hobby- football.

Eventually, his parents started considering the prospect of acquiring a wheelchair for him. By the Grace of God, his turning point came when one of his relatives told him about to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries. He followed through by checking out the church online outlets. After witnessing the miracles, signs and wonders that Jesus continued to showcase in the church, he made plans to come to the church. Upon his arrival, he was arranged on the emergency section. With his crutch intact, he waited in faith and expectancy to receive prayer from the Man of God. He had the assurance that this was the day he would receive his healing. As Prophet Cedric approached the emergency section, he located him with a word of prophecy – “Your enemies wanted you to be paralyzed.” Given the history of his health, he knew and confirmed that the prophecy was true. From there, he proceeded to pray for him in the powerful Name of Jesus Christ.

“The moment the Man of God touched me, I could feel a weight lifted off and my legs regained strength then almost immediately, I could start walking again!” Standing before the congregation today, Mr Kikong is evidently free – jogging and exercising, he is ready to return to the football pitch once more! God deserves the glory for this miracle!

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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