Ms Mphoentle Siviya has never known peace during her regular monthlies as hers were always accompanied by excruciating pains in the lower abdomen. This irregularity had a great impact on her studies as she would miss at least two school days every month. Little did she know that all this havoc was caused by cysts which had developed in her ovaries. Painkillers became a consistent addition to Mphoentle’s meals.

In addition to the severe cramps, Mphoentle experienced a tenderness on her breasts that was usually painful. It was only later on in life when a mammogram scan revealed that she had lumps in her breasts. To her shock, the doctor recommended that a surgery be done to remove the lumps but she opted to approach God for healing. In October 2016, she was arranged on the prayer line and the man of God prayed for her in the name of Jesus Christ and when she went back to her doctor for a routine checkup, the scan revealed that all the breast lumps and ovarian cysts were now water under the bridge. They were all gone and since then, her monthly menses have been restored back to normal and there is no more pain raging through her body at such a time. She gives God all the glory for her healing.

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