
Mr Garetshoge’s life was ravaged by a demon that made him to have an extreme anger. Growing up, fighting was a leisure, a part of the playground mischiefs. However, everything changed for the worst as time went on. This bad habit left him severely injured and with permanent scars on his face. Though Mr Garetsoge describes himself as a very humble man, whenever he was angry he would be overcome by a fit of rage. Each time he had disagreement with his wife or anyone around, that would trigger unbearable anger. Although he refrained from expressing his anger, the bottled up emotions affected the relationship between him and his wife.

Confirming this, Mrs. Garetshoge explains that she could not express herself well around her husband. Whenever her husband was offended, his foreboding bloodshot gaze would send shivers down her spine. On the other hand, Mr Garetshoge knew that something was not right in his life, it dawned on him that he really needed help, and urgently. They came to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries and during one of the services the man of God located him and said “You have a problem with anger. You have an extra-ordinary strength, it will cause you to misbehave and end up in jail. Sometimes when you are angry your eyes turns red and it will scare your wife, but all this started when you were young. You used to fight”.

Amazed by the accuracy of the prophecy, Mr. Garetshoge stood up to confirm that whenever he was offended, he would be overcome by a surge of extraordinary energy. He explained that whenever this energy came upon him, he would spend close to an hour exercising as a way of venting off the energy. Receiving prayer from Prophet Cedric, the battle between the Holy Spirit and contrary spirits was evident as his face took on a wild expressions, convulsing and shuddering and eventually, the spirit of anger was crushed under the power of God.

Giving his testimony in company of his wife, the cheerful Mr. Garetshoge attested to the congregation that ever since his deliverance he is enjoying a new lease of life. There is no more anger and strife. Happiness and joy has been restored back into their marriage. On her part, Mrs. Garetshoge expressed gratitude to God for liberating her husband and restoring her marriage; she is no longer fearful of her husband and they are happy. Advising the congregation, Mr. Garetshoge said, “People of God let us stand firm in the Lord and cast all your burdens unto Him and all will be well.”

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