“2017 is a year of God’s Grace and in this coming year God shall change your name”, said Prophet Cedric.

When Ms Keleemetse Matsebere heard these anointed words from the servant of God, she began hoping for a turnaround in her career. This is because for 15 years, Ms Keleemetse Matsebere from Ghanzi has been working as a Senior Accounts Clerk in the department of Tribal Administration under Ministry of Local Government. Although she earned a meager salary, she had to provide for her family and as a result of the very inadequate salary, on intervals she would go for months without providing for her family. She also had a dream to further her studies but that hour never emanated.

All the while, her colleagues were being promoted but Matsebere had to warm the same seat for a colossal 15 years due to her lack of qualifications. Nothing seemed to move in her life no matter how hard she tried; perturbed and distressed by her situation, she visited many churches in search of solution but her efforts proved futile.

When a friend invited her to 3G Ministries she did not hesitate as she was desperately in need of rescue. That step was the best decision of her life and just like that hope was rekindled in her. “Just the atmosphere in the church was enough to give me the conviction that I was in the right place” she said.

She continued coming to the church and on the 30th of December 2016, she was amongst those who attended the two day Crossover Candlelight Service with Prophet Cedric. An anointed word from the servant of God was enough to transform her life and just as the man of God had declared that the believers’ names shall be changed; so it was with Ms Matsebere. To her astonishment, when she resumed duty on January third, she found a promotion letter uplifting her to a different ministry within the office of an Assistant Court of Clerk and with this promotion, was a far much better salary.

Looking back to how financial limitation had almost crushed her dream career, she could not help but marvel at the imprints of God’s Grace in her life; what a beautiful start to her New Year.

1 Comment

  • Naledi
    Posted January 26, 2017 2:27 pm 0Likes

    Well, God is Good. We praise and thank God for this big and hope giving testimony.

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