
For many years, Mr. Mokonopi’s life was governed by alcohol addiction. The addiction deeply affected

his character and consecutively gave birth to the spirit of lust causing him to be involved in multiple

relationships. He would spend all of his income on feeding the addiction as well as quenching his

insatiable desire for women. Withal, coming from a family where marriage was scarce, never in his

endeavors did he ever consider marrying his spouse who he had been with since the year 2008.

Predictably, this way of life started affecting his livelihood.

It was his diminishing fortunes that propelled him to visit the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries in 2012.

Arriving in 3G Ministries, he got more than he bargained for; the teachings of Prophet Cedric redirected

his prayer focus. He narrates that it was during the sermons where the man of God was preaching about

the importance of a good character as a child of God that caused him to reassess his character. His spirit

revived and faith build up, he made a heart’s decision to abandon all of his unruly deeds and reformed is

character. He narrates that the desire to drink alcohol has since then vanished and he has detached

himself from his previous illicit affairs. The love of God that he experienced prompted him to invite his

wife to the church and they both agreed to change their character and align it to the word of God.

Becoming a staunch believer, he started witnessing improvements in his life; he was now able to extend

his parent’s house, single-handedly financing and building a 4 bedroomed house after years of

inability to do so. Beginning of January 2016, Mr. Mokonopi finally proposed marriage to his then-

girlfriend of 8 years, putting an end to an age old anti-marriage plague. By the grace of God, the

marriage negotiations went smoothly and in August 2016 the couple was joined in holy matrimony.

Cementing their testimony, an elated Mrs. Mokonopi had few words to say,” Before coming to this

church I was living anyhow; my life was characterized my concurrent relationships with different men.

However, when I heard the message of God I decided to change my character and live in accordance to

it, today I am standing before you as a married woman all to the glory of God.”

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