Amidst many people who came from far to attend the Crossover Candlelight service was Mr Ishmael Rakgawana from Francistown. Strangely, he had developed a growing lump in his breast; something uncommon for males. As the lump continued to grow, it began to cause discomfort and pain for him. When he sort for medical attention, he was set up for an appointment to carry out an investigative scan dating to two months later. However, due to the severity of his problem, he could not wait any longer hence he looked for alternatives.

When he heard about the Crossover candlelight service, he knew what he had do. Although the journey to the journey from Francistown to Gaborone was long, he purposed it in his heart that he would make it. During the first day of the Crossover candlelight service, he was arranged in the prayer line and waited upon the Lord. Immediately after receiving prayer from the man of God, the visibly large lump in his breast began to shrink until his chest reflected a flat and normal position.

Bewildered and amazed by the miracle that had just occurred in his life, he shouted and gave thanks to God! He went on, squeezing his breast and entire chest area, he demonstrated his new found healing to those who were present. As he gave his testimony, he elaborate how this sudden aliment had affected him but gave glory to God for using Prophet Cedric to heal him.

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+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

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From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

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