An eager beaver – that was my middle name whilst I was still confined within faculty walls. Always enthusiastic and ready to put on my thinking cap and fully apply myself to every demanding equation. Book hogging, numerous hours spent over the skyline and a couple of examinations later, I finally made it. Yes! I was an officially licensed Commercial Pilot. What an accolade, every child’s dream I thought, but oh no! The triumphant feeling would be short-lived.

I went on to enlist as a First Officer with Botswana’s biggest airline and as an inborn pundit of academic progress, I didn’t even count to three years before I enrolled myself for yet another intense training. Hard work and even more hours up in the blues and I punched through the horizons, earning and adding to my name an Airline Transport Pilot’s License. This inevitably attracted a rather much deserved promotion to the rank of Senior First Pilot in 2011. I soldiered on with my eyes eagerly set on climbing up the ladder of success.

Hours booked, papers filed and a whole lot of competency to please my superiors, I watched painfully as everyone around me seemed to be getting it right. That is, I witnessed four of my juniors escalating through the hierarchy, being raised to better ranks whilst I was miserably stuck within the confines of mine. Is it because I am female? Am I not good enough? Those were the constant thoughts that ran mileage on my mind. I was beside myself with self- doubts but merciful rescue that found me and saved me from my own wretch. Through a close kin’s invitation to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries back in 2013, I found myself a place of true rest. My Prophet, Prophet Cedric became my best teacher because through his inspiring teachings, my mind found quiescence; an absolute calmness took over my life.

Every new week founded my unending voyages to Kopong, a small village just beyond the outskirts of Gaborone, Botswana’s capital. I was enticed by the stream of testimonies, which proved to me that there was a God to worship in this church and the more I drew closer, I was even more allured by the works of this God, there and then I knew that my case was not impossible; one day the God of Prophet Cedric would settle it once and for all on earth as it was in Heaven. No sooner, years flew past but I held on to the promised victory of this man of God’s ministry. I had seen his prophetic abilities and anointing change lives and I too, wanted to be a great partaker. I just could not give in or give up, my delay to progress was not my denial, I was in a process of preparation and as each class beckoned, I achingly but resiliently answered.

“This issue of job, job, job!” fired the Prophet as he charged towards me, totally engulfed by the Holy Spirit and pointing straight to my forehead as if ironically, my entire book of life had been unfastened and left bare for him to read through each page, he continued, “It only happened because God wanted you to give yourself to Him. You will smile in October” Without the leisure of time to rethink and explicate what reference this prophetic Word had to my life, I recall a thunderous wham as his hand landed on my head, silencing all forces of evil that had ran rampage over my life.

Fast forward to a couple of months after my long awaited and most prized appointment. I was graciously basking under the great sunbeams of Zanzibar during my vacation in October 2015, when a phone’s ringtone thrust me back to life in reality! It was my employer, who demanded my presence at the work station. I jumped onto the next flight and back I was in motherland, where I was greeted with the ultimate curve- ball! My promotion! Tears welled up and filled my eyes when I realized that I had been promoted to become the youngest female Captain in the entire aviation fraternity of my country. With a 54% increased monthly bacon, I knew that God had done it for me! Victory came at a point where I was well equipped and strengthened faith-wise to cater and maintain this blessing. As if God wanted to send forth a confirmation of my new deployment, an urge to feed my book-worming tendencies reappeared in October 2016 and I am pleased to announce that I am the only African currently enrolled for a two year Advanced Masters course in Airline Operations and I am studying in the heart of Europe, France where my travels have been surmised to once a week every month to the European continent. I am living the life that I prayed for and thus I want to encourage everyone to believe and trust in God’s timing, His delay is surely not your denial.

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