
At the beginning of August 2014 Ms. Lovie Pitso began to experience some discomfort around her anal ring area. She went to the hospital where she was diagnosed with piles that measured three (3) inches. She was immediately booked for operation and was advised to make changes in regard to her diet. She was not supposed to eat any starchy food or anything that could make her constipated. Some people even advised her to eat a lot of vegetables of which she did, doctors gave her different medications  but nothing seemed to bring a permanent solution. Whenever she went to the toilet she would release blood stained stools and just to sit down was a night mare as she would always experience a massive pain from the wound that was on the anus.

It was in the midst of these problems that she came to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries in January 2015 to seek the opinion of God regarding her situation. Her faith was  strengthened by listening to the powerful word of God preached by Prophet Cedric. She learnt that God’s time is the best and that He does not disappoint those who trust in Him. Ms. Pitso continued waiting in faith for her healing and during the course of the year in July 2015 she was privileged to attend the one-on-one service where she was prayed for by the man of God Prophet Cedric in the name of Jesus Christ. God healed her instantly! Since then,she is no longer suffering from piles, restricted to certain kinds of food, or using any medications. Ms. Pitso does not experience pains anymore and furthermore the surgery she was scheduled for was subsequently cancelled.

“God’s time is the best; there is enough available anointing in this place to heal, deliver, bless and save your souls”, advised Ms. Pitso ecstatically.

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