From a young age, Thabo Sedimo’s life was characterized by a series of sinister events. Each incident, strange as it would be, threatened to put an untimely end to her young life. From a snake bite which started a torrent of nightmares of the petrifying reptile, to being run over and dragged by a car. She was always on the verge of death. However, it was after she was run over by another car that she realized that something was wrong.

Evidently, an evil spirit was after her life and a foreboding feeling in her soul confirmed this. She lived in extreme horror of driving, with the fear that a tyre may burst or the car somersault. However, it was after the passing of her mother, that the spirit of death became more prevalent. From there, she would dream of herself among the dead, proving the obvious; her spirit was not among the living. Soon enough, her health started giving out – she started to experience abnormal heart palpitations and would often find herself gasping for air at night as though her spirit was leaving her body. This became severe to the extent that she would feel like someone is choking her while sleeping.

In confirmation of the relentless spirit of death in her life, she attests that she would often hear footsteps coming towards her when sleeping. The culmination of this evil spirit came when she experienced complications in her pregnancy which led to the loss of three children. Ever since she was prayed for, life has entered her soul, dispelling all works of the devil in the name of Jesus!

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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