He had always loved to play with his dogs; he would take them for a walk along the road and jog with them. However, the 2nd of January 2016 was a peculiar day that did not end well for young Obadiah Isaac. Whilst he was running around with his dogs, he accidentally slipped and fell on his elbow. A pain that he could not fathom shot through his whole body and he couldn’t move nor lift his arm up, more visibly was a slight bend on his elbow. Fear engulfed Obadiah’s mother, all sorts of thoughts rushed in her mind, “Is my son’s elbow broken? What is going to happen to him?”

Ms. Isaac took his son to the hospital where her worst fears were confirmed; young Obadiah had sustained a dislocation on his elbow. As a results, the doctors put a cast on him in order for the elbow bones to be re-joined. With that, they affirmed that he would be completely healed within in a period of 6 weeks.

“When I heard this, I was so sad and devastated. I cried all the way back home.”, recalled the young man.

Nonetheless, the duo continued coming to church, believing that God would see them through. After three weeks, Obadiah was privileged to be arranged in the Prayerline. Clad in his cast and supporter, for one to see him, you would have to look intently but this did not deter the faith of the young man. As Prophet Cedric approached, like the blind Bartimeus, he gave a shout of faith, “Man of God please help me, I have a fractured elbow. I cannot move my arm or fingers!”, he cried out. At that, the man of God prayed for him and that marked the end of his toil.

The pain that had ravaged his body for weeks stopped instantly! Those in the Prayerline witnessed a young boy who came restricted by a cast punch a fist of victory into the air to demonstrate his healing. He could move his hand freely without pain for the first time in weeks.

A week later, he went back to his doctor, seeking validation for the healing he had received. The doctors performed the X-ray tests once more and found that the fracture was completely healed. What human capability diagnosed that it would take six weeks, God did it in two weeks. That is, what man could have done in six weeks, God accomplished in less that half of the expected time! All glory be to Jesus!

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