
Ms. Shattiso Moffat who originates from Molambakwena, but residing in Pretoria came to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries on the 9th of August 2015 with an overdue pregnancy of 10 months.

“On the 7th of August I went to my doctor for my ante-natal checkup, and I was told that I was overdue and the only thing that can be done was for me to be induced,” said Ms. Moffat.

On that fateful day, she called her mother and narrated the situation to her. Her mother being a staunch Christian advised her to come to Botswana and seek divine intervention at the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries. She did not hesitate to come, therefore when she arrived in the church she was registered for prayer line and offered accommodation in the church. Saturday night while she was sleeping, she started experiencing contractions for the very first time. She called her mother who then took her to the hospital in Ramotswa.  Later that night after her mother left her at the hospital the pain ceased. On Sunday she was opportune to come back to church and was arranged for prayer-line. In the prayer line she encountered the man of God Prophet Cedric who gave her a prophecy that she will deliver her baby boy safely and that she should call him Peter.   Immediately after the prayer line, she quickly went back to the hospital. On Wednesday she delivered her healthy bouncing baby boy called Peter Moffat safely, all to the glory of God.  Contrary to the doctor’s report she was neither induced nor operated.

Ms. Moffat and the baby were discharged from the hospital the following day, but to her amazement the baby started to cry excessively all night long without sleeping. They tried diaper changes or even feeding him but the baby never stopped crying and they decided to go to the hospital to seek for solution. They consulted a pediatrician, who examined the baby and diagnosed him with colic, a situation where whenever the baby drinks milk it would give him cramps in the stomach thus causing him to cry. They were given medication went back home, but all human efforts proved futile; the baby could not stop crying. They got to a point where they were frustrated and desperate, desperate faith calls for desperate measures. Having exhausted all available options they decide to run to God, when they came to the church, they were privileged to be on the prayer-line. Ms. Moffat just like the blind man Bartimaeus cried out with faith to God, asking Him to help her child through the faculties of the man of God taking heed of her plea Prophet Cedric then ministered the Living Water on the baby. After prayer baby Peter was set free and the crying ceased totally. He slept peaceful like a normal baby should.Glory to God who is the solution to all fundamental issues of life!

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