In a family of eight siblings, Ms Sifiso Gideon beheld the title of the black sheep of the family. The rest of her siblings were Degree holders and had better paying jobs but the life of Ms Gideon was a gloom tale branded with disappointments and failures. All she could get were temporary and low-paying jobs.

In regards to her academic performance, she had only made it to Junior Certificate level; completing her form three in the year 2002. As a youngster she was addicted to alcohol. This gave leeway to a lifestyle of partying; she would spend the whole weekend away only to return on Sunday evening. When her elder sister gave her P5,000.00, she decided to start a small business. However, due to her alcohol addiction the business eventually collapsed in the year 2008. Disappointed and hopeless, she continued on, toiling and hoping for a beter life. Two years passed by but she remained unemployed. In the year 2010, she was hired as a driver and cleaner in a local council but the salary was not enough to meet the needs of her family. Just after six months the contract elapsed, she was back in the streets, begging for survival.

By the grace of God, she came upon Emmanuel TV and started praying with the man of God, Senior Prophet T.B Joshua by faith. She was then delivered from the alcohol addiction. Ever since then she has never tasted nor had the urge of drinking alcohol. In the year 2013 she was invited to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries by one of her friends. Upon arrival, hope was rekindled back into her heart by the testimonies of other congregants. A year later, she received a prophecy that there is limitation and poverty where she was coming from which she confirmed to be true. Elaborating on her confirmation, she explained that although her siblings were working they could not take care of their parents. She explained that instead of her siblings helping her, they would borrow money from her even though she did not work. When she received prayer, hope was reborn that God was aware of her situation.

A few years later, she was able to get another temporary job as a driver in one of the companies. Unexpectedly, during her managers engaged her in a dialogue and asked her about her aspiration. To her surprise, they took it upon themselves to fund and sponsor her to start a business of selling liquefied petroleum gas cylinders (cooking gas). As a cherry on top, they blessed her with a business car. Since then, she has been working well and her business is doing well as she is now able to take care of her siblings. Indeed, God reveals to redeem, and Ms. Gideon’s life attests to that.

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