Indeed the mercy of God is able to move you from the dungeon of sin to an admirable position. This is evident in the life of Ms. Kgalalelo Bonno who shared a glorious testimony of deliverance from alcohol addiction. She started drinking alcohol at a tender age of 14 and as she grew up it became a habit which subsequently turned into an addiction. Ms. Bonno narrated that the addiction to alcohol ruined her life, although she was a brilliant student who obtained grade A at standard seven (7) her academics deteriorated both at Junior and senior school. Her character was nothing to write home about; she was a woman full of pride and had no regard for men, as a result all her relationships failed living her frustrated and angry. Due to this, Ms. Bonno only went drinking at expensive pubs and drinking spots which caused a strain in her finances. ” I was a slave to alcohol to the extent that I would prioritize it over all my projects. I started a project of building a house but I abandoned it because I  spent  a lot of money on alcohol.”- Ms. Bonno

Ms. Bonno also had extreme mood swings and uncontrollable anger. This affected her relationships with her friends and family members. In search of solution she visited psychologists and counselors but to no avail.
Her brother who is a member of the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries gave her an audio message by the man of God titled “Fighting an unknown battle.” After listening to the message, she had a moment of introspection and realized that throughout her life she had been fighting an unknown battle which manifested as alcohol addiction. She then made a heart decision to visit the church and on the same day she received a word of prophecy from Prophet Cedric which pointed to the root cause of her troubles. “I see an addiction and you have been really struggling” said the man of God. She confirmed the prophecy to be true as she was a slave to alcohol since childhood. She received prayer which marked her deliverance. Ms. Bonno shared that the smell of alcohol makes her nauseous and she no longer takes alcohol. Furthermore she completed her long abandoned building project because now her finances have been restored. In giving her words of encouragement she said “nothing can fill a void in you except God, money or alcohol can never give you the peace that God can provide. No matter the situation you may be going through, God has your solution.”

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