Anger, pain and hatred were all that Mr. and Mrs. Gaditshwane felt for each other. For two years bitterness and ire filled their house; constantly at war, they slowly trailed towards separation. “Our home had turned into a living hell”, she said with an almost subtle voice, taken aback. She further explained that her uncanny anger towards her husband slowly slayed the little affection she had left for him. Peeved by the awful events in her past, Mrs Gaditshwane admitted that she had neither respect nor any kind of regard for her husband, “I would shout at him and the kids for no apparent reason,” she said.

In confirmation Mr. Gaditshwane highlighted that his wife was indeed a very angry woman. Her outrageous behavior had implanted fear and insecurity in him and as such he saw no future for his marriage. The situation was so unbearable that both of them felt it would be better off if they were apart. Adding on to their distress was also the fact that they had tried numerous times to conceive but to no avail. Mrs. Gaditshwane would experience abdominal pains to which doctors could not fathom the cause. They only realized later that she was at a risk of cervical Cancer, and unbeknownst to her, this was the cause of her apparent barrenness.

After many years of miscommunications, mistrust, quarrels and squabbles, Mrs. Gaditshwane heard that Prophet Cedric is hosting a crusade in Maun. Her hope was awoken instantly, believing in her heart that her marriage had now a fighting chance. Having had attended the crusade, she was blessed to receive a word of Prophecy from the Man of God, Prophet Cedric.

I see you in the company of dead people and you are always eating in the dreams, as a result your stomach is always bloated. Affection in your marriage is questionable,” the Prophet said.

Confirming this, she explained that she used to dine with the dead in dreams and even converse with them but never really understood what the dreams meant. However after the encounter with the man of God, all was cancelled and their marriage too is now a piece of Heaven as affection has also been restored. To top it off, God has also blessed them with the fruit of the womb; the couple now celebrate the presence of an additional member to the Gaditshwane family; baby Tabitha.

1 Comment

  • Tiroyaone Bohula
    Posted August 12, 2017 7:52 pm 0Likes

    A testimony to one is a testimony to all

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