A shrill pain would sheet through her head with a terrible intensity, tailed by bouts of dizziness that triggered a vague and blurred vision, then suddenly a blackout! Having contended with such occurrences since childhood, Ms. Boiteko Phalalo had accepted her ill fate, only hoping that one day it would ‘miraculously’ stop. Nevertheless, the odds were against her belief, year after year her ailment trailed to higher ranks; her mouth became extremely dry and sticky, her eyes began to itch and her skin began to peel and resisted even the greasiest of ointments in the market place. As if these low blood pressure symptoms were not too cumbersome a burden to bear, constipation as well joined in the drill; Boiteko would struggle to ease herself so much that she resolved not to try anymore, going up to three weeks without visiting the loo. Down the pike, she developed anal fissures and began to deposit blood stained stools, taking up the little blood she thought she had. Unbearable became an understatement of the pain that she had to go through!

Having boarded the matter with the medics and taking various prescriptions for her condition but to no avail Ms. Boiteko saw the need for divine intervention. She made Kopong her next call of post and attended the 3G Ministries services, she also began ministering the Living water, believing God to locate her one day. Of course! Her faith did not fail her, during the 13th May 2016 Friday Service she received a prophetic word that made her realize that indeed all things are laid bare before God. “This is the issue of blood, you have low blood. This is affecting your eyes; they become itchy, I see the skin on your forehead peeling.”- said, Prophet Cedric. The man of God then administered prayer over her life and brought an end to her ailment.

Since that day up to this moment, constant headaches, the blackouts, the dizziness, dryness and peeling of the skin are in the past. Ms. Boiteko even went to her doctor who confirmed that her blood pressure has normalized. With low blood pressure gone, constipation had to follow; during the One on One service in January 2017, Ms. Boiteko pleaded her case before God and she was instantly healed. Within a matter of days, all the anal cracks had closed up, like every normal person she can now go to the bathroom a number of times in a day. The dull sciatic maladies that had settled in her body are now history.

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