In 2010, Mrs. Gosimilwe Dikgang was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer which is a deadly state of cancer. This means that the cancer had already started to spread into surrounding tissues; this is a stage almost secondary or ‘metastatic’ in medical terms.

In the year 2010, she started her chemotherapy and the doctors told her to expect all the side effects of chemotherapy such as loss of hair, pains, diarrhea, blood disorders and nervous system defects. At that point, she was already a believer in Christ therefore believed that her sickness was not unto death but rather the genesis of a great testimony! Such a steadfast faith did not waiver as unlike commonly expected cases, she did not experience any of the said effects. Not once, did she ever feel sick or weak, instead she looked forth to a day just as today where she would stand before masses and loudly proclaim the healing power of God, the best Healer that the world has ever known!

As she continued coming to the church for consistent fellowship, the Word of God that she received from Prophet Cedric became the oil to her faith and through the testimonies of others, her vision became much clearer; that one day, God through the faculties of His servant would dispel the roots of cancer from her body. Later on,  in February 2016, Mrs. Dikgang was privileged to attend the prayerline  service where she received a touch from the man of God. Thereafter, during one of her checkups, the doctors found out that the cancer cells had dropped thus confirming that there was no cancer in her body. Though the case, the medics where skeptical of the unexpected results so they ordered yet another set of tests to verify that indeed, the cancer cells were no longer inhabiting her body.

Mrs. Dikgang returned back after the set time of three months for the scheduled tests, lo and behold! Cancer remained non-existent to her life. Her dream has been fully realised as she stood before multitudes who flooded the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries Sunday service to declare that there is a Living God who heals every ‘incurable’ disease. 

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