Indeed we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed to which we do well to pay attention to. Fridah did exactly that and her name changed just as Prophet Cedric declared.
Retracing her path back to varsity days, she states that she graduated with a diploma in HR in 2010 and with such, was offered a job as an accounts assistant in a certain company. Hopeful that her career will take shape with time that proved futile as years piled on with nothing but stagnation in the same post. The only thing she accounted for the past ten years was the insignificant salary increments which was not a right but a privilege accorded to her occasionally. With her take home, she could not fend for her family as the breadwinner, constantly living from hand to mouth. Her career was not the only thing heading nowhere, as her character was nothing to take pride in. She lived a worldly life characterized by clubbing, drinking alcohol and smoking something she did in secret. In desperation to change her career status she patronized traditional doctors, parting way with her last thebe for no solution, all in vain!

Finally, tired of her fruitless life she heed to her sister’s invitation to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries which she has been stalling for several times. Little did she know that her coming to the church will change her life for the good. The greatest of all the changes was transformation, the ill-character of indulging in toxic substances, attending devious events came to an end and all this she attributes the life-transforming teachings and prayers by the man of God Prophet Cedric. Ever since submitting her life to God, she has been tasked with greater responsibilities at work and this encouraged her to work harder as if it all depends on her and prove herself worthy of her dream to be elevated. Unlimited to this, she also participated in temple building believing the promise, that temple builders are pillars of the church and with that they ought to be strong spiritually, physically and financially.

All her efforts were not in vain as God met her at the point of her need through God’s mouthpiece – Prophet Cedric who spoke a word that she took to heart. This is what she has to say, “As the man of God was declaring during the mass prayer he said we have started the month of March well and the Lord has given us a new song, a new name – blessing! These words intrigued me and I believed that indeed my name has changed. The following Monday I was called by my supervisors who handed me a letter written PROMOTION – FINANCE SUPERVISOR. It was through this I was fully convinced that Prophet though man he speaks not of his own will but that of God.” Fridah stands before the church with a changed life altogether from her character to an answered prayer for promotion. Now, she is able to fully perform her duties as a breadwinner all for the glory of God.

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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