Left in a stranger’s home, with nothing but a promise of a better life! A petrified and shuttered, six year old Dineo Mpedi found herself in a state quiet contrary to what she had expected. Free labour was all she had become; when other kids left for school she would stay home, toiling to a point where her head would ache and her chest would pain. No matter how much she wished to go back home, she couldn’t! Her sorrowful mother’s hands were tied; fending for four kids on her own had become a burden too heavy to bear. This meant that Dineo had to stay until she was ten, ‘old enough to start school,’ or so they said.

Though denied education earlier, Dineo was however successful in her academics as she managed to get her first Degree. However, throughout her life, she had to contend with constant headaches and chest pains, black out and dry, paly skin that yielded not to even the greasiest of ointments. The doctors had said that she has permanent Tonsillitis, Epigastria and sinusitis. Hopping from one hospital to another, taking a concoction of pills and injections became Dineo’s life but all efforts to remedy her case was futile. In all of this, she blamed her previous guardians and had sworn that she would carry this hatred and abhorrence to her dying day.

Dineo was later introduced to Christ through the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries in 2014. Having heard the messages of forgiveness by Prophet Cedric, Dineo summoned the fortitude to forgive all her offenders and leave her case to God. In July, the same year she was located by the Spirit of God through the faculties of His servant, Prophet Cedric uprooting an ailment unbeknownst to her; low blood pressure. For Dineo, this was an enlightening moment; an explanation of the numerous symptoms she had been battling with. At this, the man of God prayed for her and set her free in Jesus’ name.

On the eve of Good Friday 2016 Dineo was privileged to have an encounter with Prophet Cedric in her dream, of which marked the beginning of greater things in her life. Attending the service the next day was just a stamp on a sealed envelope. The aftermath of the divine encounter can never be over-emphasized! Every aspect of Dineo’s life was brought back to life; her health, restored! Her academics, titivated! and her finances, revivified!

The doctors have confirmed that Dineo’s body is now healthy. She was also enrolled for a Master’s degree in Business Administration, of which she managed to get through by heeding the counsel of Prophet Cedric to the PPS. Her business that had been struggling from inception also began to boom as she managed to win a tender worth over P 1.2 million. After a pitiable beginning, followed by years of immobility, success is now the sweet story of her life!

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