
From a tender age, Ms. Mofenyi  Semetsa was a brilliant young girl who would usually get straight A’s however things totally changed when she was doing her standard four in 2010.

“When I was doing my standard four, my parents started having fights and quarrels in front of my brother and I. I then thought to myself that maybe if I had friends to hang out with then the pain of seeing the horrible fights would end. I started having many friends whom I spent most of my time with, giving my books no time at all. That marked the downfall of my academics. When my parents’ problem worsened, one of my friends introduced me to dating and I fell into it not knowing that I was digging up a grave for my academics.”Expounded the young Mofenyi. Her performance started dropping from A’s to B’s and C’s.

In 2013, her mother came to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries and brought Mofenyi along, and hope of a new beginning was awakened in her.This made a turnaround in her academics as she began to reform her character and focused more on her studies. Her change of character and efforts paid as she attained grade A in her PSLE. She was also privileged to be a part of the Prophet Parents and Students (PPS) program. She listened attentively and took to heart all the messages and advices that the man of God gave to the PPS students and obeyed them. When she was doing form 1 for the first time in her life, Mofenyi scooped prizes for best student in Mathematics, Setswana, Science, Social Studies, Moral Education, Agriculture, Accounts and best overall student in all the form ones. In 2015 history repeated itself; she became the best overall student in form 2 for the same subjects. Today once again she is the best overall form 3 student; with prices in Religious Education, Agriculture, Social Studies, Science, English and Setswana.

“People of God, this world is indeed an enemy to our progress therefore let us all hold tight on to God knowing that in this world we have everything to lose the moment we yield to the temptations of the devil”, advised the ecstatic Mofenyi.

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