While cruising on the high way to Kang, Mrs Moremi cranked up the volume of the gospel music she was engrossed in that was blasting from the car stereo. The events that ensued thereafter leaving her dumbfounded by the outcome, were the furthest thing from her mind. Momentarily, Mrs Moremi decided to overtake a truck that seemed to be moving at a snail pace. That proved to be a lack of judgment on her part as she failed to successfully execute her plan thus resorting to falling back to her lane. That is when she hit the truck and her car somersaulted coming to a standstill on the dusty side of the road. A passerby who happened to be a doctor came to her rescue and was perplexed to see Mrs Moremi emerging from the car unscathed with no visibly distinct injuries. To their utter dismay, this passerby realised that Mrs Moremi was expectant!

After the accident Mrs Moremi was booked for a scan to check on the well-being of the unborn child and by God’s grace the baby had not been affected by the accident. Unfortunately the unforeseen incident left the expectant mother in agonising pains emanating from the neck and arm. Although an x-ray did not reveal a fracture, Mrs Moremi could not lift her arm nor move her neck due to the numbing pain. Seeing her evident distress, the doctors gave her an arm sling and a neck collar to ease her pain. She had become incapable of assisting her family with house chores and even bathing herself proved impossible. Her husband had to step in to support her when waking up from the bed as pains seared through her body with every movement she made. It was in this disheartening state that Mrs Moremi came to attend the 3G Ministries Sunday service when she met God at the point of her need. During a moment of praise and worship she instantaneously received her healing. As she began to check herself she could not feel the pain that had ripped through her body. Elated she took off the neck collar and the arm sling and moved with ease to celebrate her healing. She attests to the church that upon arriving home after the service she could do that which she could not do before all to the glory of God!

Contact / Location

Contact info

+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

P.O. Box 44

Gathering Times

From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

Events / Calendar
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