Mr Dinywao Ditsele had been tormented by the spirit of lust which made him to indulge in several relationships which would always lead to a disappointment in his love life. Moreover, he was constantly battling with fitting in among his mates who in turn influenced him to join their drinking sprees at clubbing areas. These habits robbed him of peace and left him financially crippled. As time went on, he realized that the way he was living was not right, this prompted him to seek solution and that is when he came to 3G Ministries in 2013. Upon arrival, he entered into a period of transition and transformation which was fueled by the character building messages of the man of God, Prophet Cedric.

Mr Ditsele then made a heart decision to reform and the results are awesome to behold! He no longer succumbs to the voice of friends; he makes his own sound decisions and is no longer lustful. Furthermore, he says that in 2016 the man of God urged the church to ask God about the place they are and if it is of God or not. “Acting on these words, I went on to pray and ask God concerning this. I was expecting a dream or a vision but instead I got a confirmation through a blessing from God. A few days after the prayer, an enormous amount of P8 993.82 was credited into my account. At the beginning I was quite skeptical, but in my conscience I was then assured that God had answered my prayer through that blessing.” In total shock, he made inquiries with the bank but it was declared that the money was his.

As he continued journeying with God, he was challenged by the spiritual wife which would assault, beat and use him in the dreams. Nonetheless, he did not lose heart but continued seeking the face of God. Hearing the ply of his cry, God touched his life through the ministration of the Living Water. Since then, he has been totally free to the glory of God.

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