“We were just living anyhow without the reverence and fear of God.” shared Mrs. Phetwe as she narrated the history of her love life to the congregation. She further explained that she met her husband in 2010 and they dated for about five years without any urge of getting married. However their stepping into the national stadium for the 2013/14 Crossover Service with Prophet Cedric marked a turnaround of their lives.

Ever since attending the crossover service they never looked back, they held on to God through His Word. The teachings they received from the man of God motivated and ignited their walk with Christ, consequently good character was born in their life and moreover the teachings about marriage inspired them to get married. Mr. Phetwe informed his parents about his intentions to marry but was met with a request for postponement of the dates they had initially set. He narrates that upon hearing this he just thought his parents were denying him his desires but later realized it was a blessing in disguise as the postponement paved way to Mrs. Phetwe’s deliverance through receiving a prophetic word from the man of God.

“What can you say about your love life, sometimes you see yourself in the waters and you should thank God that you did not get married before your deliverance, otherwise your marriage was going to be a mess”, these were the prophetic words given to Mrs. Phetwe by Prophet Cedric.

Mrs. Phetwe confirmed the prophecy to be true as she added that indeed she was engaged to be married but it was like things were just dormant. “Many a times I would see myself in the water and always saw a spiritual husband using me in dreams.” She further explained that this spirit deformed her character as she was lustful and did not dress in an appropriate way that pleases God. As the word of God carries power; after the prophecy things unfolded. The couple went back to their parents about their intentions of getting married and this time around they heeded to their plea and the marriage negotiations commenced.
Furthermore the same time their wedding preparations were ongoing, Mrs. Phetwe’s aunt also received the blessing of marriage as her marriage negotiations also started. Indeed the grace was sufficient to break the curse of anti-marriage in Mrs. Phetwe’s family, as it has been over 15 years without any wedding celebration in their family. Mr. and Mrs. Phetwe got in holy matrimony on the 23rd of April 2016 and the wedding was marvelous as it even got published in one of the local newspapers. “I remember one day I dreamt the man of God telling me that I will smile on the 27th of April and indeed I smiled as that was the day our wedding celebration was publicized.” Mrs. Phetwe added jovially.

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