
From as early as eight years old, Mrs. Tshepo Botlhoko was tormented by a spiritual husband that would constantly molest her in the dreams. Her conjugal engagement with the spirit man at such a tender age later led her into a characterless life filled with lust and sexual immorality. She would jump from one relationship to the other and as a result her reputation was soiled; her worth as a young lady was degraded to a zero. As a young girl, Mrs. Tshepo was a lost cause yet unable to realize that the lifestyle she had chosen was on a track to destruction. Everything about her life was destroyed, her academics were also nothing to write home about this left her in a state of hopelessness.

In 2012, she was invited to 3G Ministries where an awareness of her need for deliverance was raised by the messages delivered by Prophet Cedric as well as the testimonies of others. She made it a point to continue coming to the church, in pursuit of her liberty. In no time, she was set free from the spirit man and through listening to the messages of the man of God concerning discipline, Mrs. Tshepo was able to align her character with God’s word. She brought all the relationships she was previously engaging in to an end and diverted her attention to God thus her dignity was restored and by God’s grace, in 2014 she met Mr. Kealeboga Botlhoko who later became her husband.

For Mr. Botlhoko, marriage had never been a priority, he was driven to 3G Ministries by the desire to find employment. After completing his tertiary education, he did it all to try and land a job but all his efforts remained fruitless. Having gone to many traditional doctors and spiritualists who ultimately failed to help, he came to the church with the hope that his problem would be solved through God’s intervention. Upon listening to the messages delivered by the man of God, Mr. Kealeboga realized that there was more to life than getting the job he so desperately wanted and so he got to understand that blessings are only a means to an end. As a result, he aligned his life with God’s word and with God by his side the sky became the limit for him.

On one fateful day in the year 2014, he came to the church for weekly prayers and he met the man of God who was also in the church premises at the time. Upon confrontation, Prophet Cedric asked him when he was getting married. A question that left Mr. Botlhoko was left perplexed as he did not know how to respond because marriage had never crossed his mind. However, this renewed his hope as he believed that if the man of God could go as far talking about marriage despite the pitiable state of his finances then surely there was a way out for him. Lo and behold! Within just a period of four months he got a job which he had not applied for and was propelled to begin their marriage preparations. On their journey to their marriage, the young couple maintained a good character and made sure to honour God’s word in every way possible. In turn God honoured them, because in spite of the discouraging realities that hovered over their lives during the wedding preparations, they overcame by the grace of God. Throughout the preparations, the couple ministered the Living Water in prayer with the faith that God would see them through. Indeed, they were finally joined in holy matrimony on the 22nd October 2016 all to the glory of God! Advising the church, they encouraged believers to never give up on God and to involve Him in everything they do especially in marriage as it an institute created by Him.

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