The pain she suffered! That which came effortlessly to many had her standing in front of the doorway to the rest room in complete helplessness, to her it was not a place of rest but of utter pain and discomfort. Day after day Ms Magret Rammusi had to defy the call of nature, holding herself forcefully from excreting, bearing with a constant bloat in her stomach.

Desperately in need for solution she made her way to the doctor who prescribed some medication to help her. Despite these efforts her condition persisted. Down the timeline she developed sores around her anal area which the doctors had said would develop into piles had no solution come. Trying to alleviate the ordeal, she tried drinking and eating food that would help to loosen her excrement but to no avail.

As if it were not enough she would also develop a rash on her private parts every month during her monthly periods, coupled by a strange fluid that would ooze out from her causing an offensive smell. This became a source of embarrassment and discomfort to her, and seeing the problem persisting she tried changing her sanitary pads thinking that she had reacted badly to the former ones but all her efforts proved futile.

On the 14th of July 2017 she received a prophetic message from the Man of God, “You have trouble when easing yourself. Do you know piles? I see the whole system coming out but God forbid. There is another private problem, you are developing rash and there is a fluid that is coming out of your system.”

With just a word from the servant of God Ms Rammusi was separated from all her maladies. She now testifies to the Glory of God stating that constipation is now a thing of the past, she is set free from the rash and fluids which had caused her distress for a long time. Moreover, she is healed from the headache, abdominal and leg pains which had also troubled her. Indeed when God heals He heals perpetually!


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